Daf 23 - Choosing a Bais Din R' Dovid Cohen, safra dedayna, Bais…
Kesubos, Perek 10
Daf 90 – The Parameters of Kedimah in Giving Tzedokoh;
Rav Yaakov Rappaport; of Cleavland Ohio
Daf 91 – Life Insurance and Bitachon – Are they in Conflict?;
Rav Yaakov Rappaport; of Cleavland Ohio
Daf 92 – Chazakah Through Stepping on a Border;
Rav Moshe Zev Granek; Member Kollel Zichron Gershon
Daf 93 – Splitting Profits of a Partnership;
Rav Shmuel Binyomin Honigwachs; Dayan, Bais Havaad Lakewood
Daf 94 – One Partner Taking a Litigant to Bais Din without the Other Partner;
Rav Yaakov Rappaport; of Cleavland Ohio