A Must-Read January 9, 2025 Q When called up for Maftir, do I need to…
The pasuk of vedibarta bam–
Gemara: teaches that a person’s primary speech should be Torah.
Yerushalmi- teaches that certain obligations can only be fulfilled by the person himself. It isn’t sufficient to just listen to another person and discharge his obligation via shomea ke’oneh. E.g. krias shema.
Gemara Megila- one needs ten people in order to fulfill the halacha of shomea ke’oneh with regards to krias shema.
Magen Avraham-. Three conditions for krias shema: a] listening b] responding amen c] in the presence of ten people.
Why the extra condition for krias shema?
There are two types of shomea ke’oneh:
- listening to another person’s recitation to discharge his own obligation
- where the one listening is considered as if he himself actually articulated the bracha.
Possible answer: The Magen Avraham is of the opinion that one is required to articulate himself the krias shema, and relying on someone else’s recitation would necessitate, in addition to listening, the extra step of ten people and responding amen.
We find the same concept by the obligation to recite 100 brochos on shabos.
The Rosh: listen to others and respond amen to accumulate 100 brochos.
Ma’adanei Yom Tov asks: Why necessary to add the amen? Isn’t shomea ke’oneh sufficient?
Answer-to be considered as if he articulated the bracha himself, one needs the added benefit of responding amen.