By Rav Eliezer Cohen
Weekly Overview
Video recap of this week’s topic
Given by Rav Eliezer Cohen

May a Contractor Back Out of a Job if He Took on Too Much Work?
Rav Eliezer Cohen Question: Reuven is a contractor with a flourishing business. In fact, business is booming so much and…
May An Employee Quit Mid-Contract If He Receives a Better Offer?
May An Employee Quit Mid-Contract If He Receives a Better Offer? By Rav Eliezer Cohen, Dayan on the Bais Hava’ad…
May One Rescind a Hiring in Favor of a Relative?
Rav Eliezer Cohen Question: A business owner hired an individual for a certain job. Shortly thereafter, he discovered that a…
May a Ba’al Koreh Back Out of His Commitment to a Shul?
Rav Eliezer Cohen Question: A shul hired a ba’al koreh to lein the Parshah every week. After a few weeks,…