a circle of companies

A Robust, Turn-key Platform Enabling Entrepreneurs and Business Owners to Operate Their Company with a Commitment to Halachic Integrity

Business Halacha Solutions

In today’s fast paced world of commerce, contemporary business leaders need turn-key access to knowledgeable and authoritative business halacha guidance and service. With a mission to provide businessmen with such peace of mind, the Bais HaVaad launched the Halachic Concierge platform and introduced the concept of a company onboarding a Rav, and a Halachic advisor, to ensure that their business is operating with halachic integrity. This Rabbinic figure, who has years of experience, as well as a keen understanding of common business norms, and the industry-specific nuances of each specific company that they service, can both address the Halachic needs of the company, as well as elevate the meaningful growth of the entire office environment.


To provide halachic support for business owners, entrepreneurs, executives, and industry leaders in a professional setting, preserving the halachic integrity of Jewish commerce.


The Halachic Concierge platform of the Bais HaVaad, will be the go-to resource and primary forum for all matters related to Business Halacha, and will create a more lofty and meaningful environment throughout companies nation-wide.

Rabbinic Personnel
Does Your Company Have a Rav?

Set up an in-house CRO* and/or a CHO** and infuse Halacha, Hashkafa, and Kedusha into your business!


A CRO is a seasoned Rav and senior Posek who provides mentorship, inspiration, hashkafa, and personal guidance to company members. Through personal relationships that are cultivated over time, team members can gain the comfort and confidence to seek hadracha for all aspects of Jewish life. The company Rav becomes a guiding light, by inspiring the company as a whole, addressing each employee’s simplest day-to-day questions, as well as helping to shoulder the burden of life’s most challenging situations.


When a company onboards a CHO, they are matched with a seasoned Dayan who brings extensive business knowledge and savvy professionalism to set up the Company for Halachic success. After completing the initial intake process, the CHO works with the executive team, to properly structure the company’s business practices and documentation in accordance with halacha. With firsthand understanding of the company’s operations, the CHO ensures effective and timely solutions to guide the company through all its Business Halacha needs.

To join The Halachic Concierge contact the Bais HaVaad HC Dept. at:

732.276.1312      |      bhhc.org      |      concierge@bhhc.org

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