Creating Forbidden Images

Adapted from a shiur
by Rav Moshe Zev Granek on Parshas Beshalach

(לא תעשון אתי אלהי כסף ואלהי זהב לא תעשו לכם (שמות כ:כ

The Gemara (Rosh Hashana 24, Avoda Zara 43) explains that this pasuk is the source for a prohibition not to create
images of humans, celestial bodies (e.g. sun, moon), angels, and the Beis Hamikdash or its kelim (utensils).
The Gemara distinguishes between 3-D images (bolet) and 2-D images (shakua – sunken or flat), but Rishonim dispute
the parameters.

  • Tosafos (in Rosh Hashana) – 2-D images of celestial bodies are
    forbidden (because that’s how they look in the sky), but all other images above
    are forbidden only when 3-D.
  • Ramban (in Avoda Zara) – Even 2-D images are forbidden to create;
    only retaining 2-D images when made by a non-Jew is permitted.
  • Rambam – Human 2-D
    images are permitted, but all other 2-D/3-D images are forbidden.
  • Shulchan Aruch (Y.D.
    141:1)Rules like Rambam, though some Acharonim are machmir for Ramban.

There are two other leniencies mentioned by the Shulchan Aruch:

  • L’hislamed
    – For educational purposes all images are permitted, though poskim dispute the parameters of l’hislamed.
  • Picture of human face/body
    alone– This is permitted (without the entire body), though some are machmir here too (see Pischei

Commentaries also discuss creating an image of the Beis HaMikdash to size or kelim.

  • Rambam – Quotes the issur in Hilchos Beis HaBechira, not Avoda Zara. There are two nafka
    to the difference.

    • L’hislamed
      – If it’s in Beis Habechira, there is no heter for l’hislamed; if it’s in Avoda Zara, it is permitted.
    • Which measurements – If
      it’s based on Beis HaBechira, whichever Beis HaMikdash exists at that time (today is unclear),
      while if it’s about Avoda Zara, perhaps any of
  • May one make a replica of
    the Beis HaMikdash?

    • Salmas
      (O.C. 272) – No, because assur even not to scale
      unless it’s l’hislamed, and this doesn’t
    • Igros
      (Y.D. 3:33) – Yes, it’s not to size.
    • Minchas
      (10:73) – Intent for replica is possibly assur.